Monday, June 15, 2009

Winners of Scenery Comp -Club Free.Stufff and Hot-blogs+New Comp!

Hey guys ,
The winners are.....

These were really creative scenery's!! I sent you the gifts hope you like them!!I also am offering you a job to write for the blog for 1 month. You can take it or leave it.

Also!! for the new comp here is the details :When we get 100 blog followers that are active I will give the 100th follower, the person who invited the 100th follower and one blog follower that's name i will pull out a hat will win a one month stardoll card that has 200 stardollars on it!!So invite ppl and maybe you'll win(please put a picture when ur following i dont like when people have no pic).
SOOO start inviting and maybe you will win!!!

