Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Elle Spoilers

Here the are :
Commment below on your thoughts!!!

Same free dress for 10sd's+news

Hey ppl,
As I was searching the starplaza I saw the free miley dress we got and i was for 10 stardollars and its for superstars!!!What is up with stardoll???

Also I think i fixed the comments so comment below on your thoughs of stardoll's actions


i know im a bit late but the superstar sale is now on in the starplaza

Are you going to buy anything?

Monday, June 29, 2009

a lot of new free things

Hey here are free things:

CLUB MAY ONLY BE AVAILABLE TO CERTAIN COUNTRIES.1. Go to stardoll.com/en/clubs/home.php?id=1322 490 ( take out spaces) 2 Log into Stardoll 3 Under your clubs, you’ll see all 3 sponsored clubs. 4Join the Princess club (This could take several attempts! Just keep refreshing the page is all I can give as advice! :S) TIP that worked very good for me: Try clicking on ‘Join now’ while the page isn’t fully loaded yet! So from the moment your see the button, click it xP 5 Take the quiz to get the shirt Answers 1. What is Princess Rosalinda’s cover name? Right answer: Rosie Gonzalez 2. Where do Carter and her father live? Right answer: Louisiana 3. On her first day of school, Rosie surprises one of her teachers when she fluently speaks which language? Right answer: French 4. How does Carter explain her relation to “Rosie?” Right answer: She says they are cousins 5. What food does Carter have to teach Rosalinda to eat in order to blend in? Right answer: A hamburger 6. How many languages does Princess Rosalinda speak? Right answer: 6 7. Where does Rosie work? Right answer: A frozen yogurt shop 8. What essential teenage skill does Carter teach Rosie while drinking soda? Right answer: Belching 9. What piece of jewelry does Rosalinda’s mom give her before Major Mason takes her away? Right answer: A necklace 10. What is the name of the High School Carter and Rosie attend? Right answer: Lake Monroe High School
Simple SwimSuit and Hat
FREE Simple Swimsuit & Hat

Get your Simple FREE Swimsuit and Hat by following these steps:

1. Type http://w w w.simple.co.uk/stardoll/?u= (after the =, put your User ID, which can be found in My Account/Account Settings. DO NOT put your username!) in your URL bar.
2. You'll be redirected to a Simple website in which you have to fill a form. You can use fake info, just fill it!
3. Once you click "Submit" go back to your Stardoll Suite. You will find a 2 Simple Bags!

No need to use a UK Proxy!

have a great day The form does say not to fill out unless you live in the UK, but it has been working for non-UK members too.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Hey i need
-- People 2
--- Check out ma Starbaazar please!
--- Check out ma Sceneries please!
--- Vote me 5/5 cg please!
--- Maybe send me gifts please!
--- Vote my Albums, Sceneries & MeDoll please!
--- Join my Clubs please!
P.S Read my presentation, it has my wish-list, contact me if u have wat i want

Saturday, June 27, 2009

New shop (Basics)

Theres a new shop in the starplaza it is called basics and all the clothes can be bought with the money earned in play and earn games. Here are the 2 floors of the shop.
Floor 1:

Floor 2:

Thursday, June 25, 2009


I just want to say hello to the new blog writer! congratz! and keep trying to those people who just didn't make the cut
Is anyone watching Wimbledon? Go Murray!
I'm sooooooooo boreeeed
Starting my new secondary skool soon, have to admit, scared outta ma socks!
Ma best mate is going 2 diff skool :'(

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Vivienne Tam

Vivenne Tams new collection is finally out. It is more expensive than her last collection. I prefer the last collection but some of these clothes are pretty.

Here are the clothes with the prices:

The clothes in the shop:

what do you think of this collection? will you buy anything?

Just to say Hi

Hey everyone! I am a new writer for this blog and i thought that i should introduce myself. My name is Shona and my stardoll name is Aquafabulosa. I will be 16 on the 26th of June. I have 2 sisters and i live in Ireland with them and my parents. I love horse-riding and will have been riding for 11 years on my birthday. Thats enough about me and i hope you will enjoy my future posts.
xXx Aquafabulosa

Monday, June 22, 2009

Hotbuys & Hair

Hey People!
You may have noticed that we have 2 new hairdos
We also have 3 new noses & 2 new mouths
Noses = page 1, first line
Mouth = 4th Page ( They look a little red, but they aren't when you put them on )
And sneak a peek at the new Hotbuys on Dolls and Games ( Superstars only sorry! )
It's a new Hotbuys doll, which shows some following Hotbuys, The look awesome!
Yours Faithfully, Abbie xoxo

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Free Water!

Create a poem and you will get free water in your suite!
Also, i wanted to know that members of doggy-luva's clubs are saying that they can't post comments, i agree with them, as soon as i click " Post comment " it goes straight to the bottom of the page and does nothing!
Does anyone else have this problem?
And free accounts :
Ask me about it :)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Free stuff in plaza

There are two free things in the Starplaza, first is the free sunglasses:

and second is the free dress:
!!Buy them before their gone!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Winners of Scenery Comp -Club Free.Stufff and Hot-blogs+New Comp!

Hey guys ,
The winners are.....

These were really creative scenery's!! I sent you the gifts hope you like them!!I also am offering you a job to write for the blog for 1 month. You can take it or leave it.

Also!! for the new comp here is the details :When we get 100 blog followers that are active I will give the 100th follower, the person who invited the 100th follower and one blog follower that's name i will pull out a hat will win a one month stardoll card that has 200 stardollars on it!!So invite ppl and maybe you'll win(please put a picture when ur following i dont like when people have no pic).
SOOO start inviting and maybe you will win!!!

Free Hannah Montana Dress!!

Hello guys,

I was reading HotBuys Bazaar Blog!!(btw it is the best blog go check it out at hotbuysbazaar.blogspot.com ) As i was reading i found out there is a free Hannah Montana Dress, it is a beautiful white dress. It is for people in France, if you're not French no worries theres always proxy sites.For everyone, it was enough only to enter the cinema. You can't watch the movie because it said that you need flash player installed ( Everyone does, i think lol), but anyway you can get the dress. Here is the site:
You know what to do: just type stardoll.com, go to magazine than cinema, check your suite and log out!!Voila!!

Free Hannah Montana T-Shirt!

Hannah Montana lovers,
here is a way to get FREE Hannah Montana T-shirt!
Follow this steps to get it!-
Go to www.au.worldproxy.tracking202.com-
In the search box write
Log in to your doll-
Watch the movie (It's not necessary)-
Log out
Then you have the T-shirt!
Abbie x

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hey People

I've known that some really Close Friends always try to talk to me when my bff is on so i was gonna make a new account but my cousin gave me hers.

BonBonwe is my new account. Please Add it.

Anyway, if you're in the US, you'll get a free invitation for princess protection program. The envelope is gold with a tiara.



please vote for rebecca at http://aestheticintoxication.com/contests/win-a-free-domain/

it's for my sis


Sorry i haven't wrote for a while
Does anyone know any free or to be bought superstar accounts?
If so can you please tell me!
Thanks a lot
Abz x

Monday, June 8, 2009

What do you say about this?!?!?!

Hey everyone what do you think of this,
Well you might of heard a blog called 
"The Stardoll Chronicles"
and here is the post about us and our blog thestardollchronicles.blogspot.com/2009/05/flattering-or-not.html
Well some people and her blog followers are saying o you copied them and well heres my story! 
When I first made this blog  I had never heard of"The Stardoll Chronciles" blog until after i made mine because a person messaged me saying switch your blog name cuzz u copied "The Stardoll Chronicles" which i had never heard of and i didnt switch my name cuz i though it was rude for someone to accuse me of coping!!!and would it make any sense if some one made a blog to just copy someone else's !!Like why would i waste my time!!
In the comments or chat box plzz tell me your thoughts on this cuzz i'd really like to know them.But I like that the owner of the blog said that our blog was cool and that people should check it out . So if the owner of that blog is reading this thanx!!

P.S. for the scenery comp winners i'll make a new post after this one.

Friday, June 5, 2009


Follow these steps:
In the Stardoll Cinema! But you have to use a proxy server:


In the url box type in stardoll.com/en/cinema and when you’re on Stardoll with the proxy, log in
and go to normal stradoll, log in...and TADA !!! you'll get the tee free !

Brandon Flowers

My main celeb crush = Brandon Flowers ( Lead singer of The Killers )
Now on google all his picz are mostly rubbish 'cuz they're old picz
You may not no Brandon Flowers, his bands' new song is called Human
You may have heard of it
How can you not!
If you're wondering who he is then go on www.we7.com ( free music website )
And type in The Killers in the bar at the top of the screen


Hey people
Add, Free.Accounts
'cuz she will make u any account for free, she makes u accounts and also check out
sneki_xx she is selling accounts too
Anyone have any addies for free accounts?
If so contact me!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hot Buys Skirt OUT!

Hey everyone!!!!The new HB's skirt is out it is 12 stardollars!Are you gonna buy it answer in the poll below!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Hey everyone!!!

The new mermaid clothes are out!!!Heres a pic:

Also here is a spoiler of some new clothes comeing real soon!!Comment if u like them or if u dont!!

Credits go to : stardoll.info.pl

Can't wait for them!!
