Friday, July 31, 2009

a bit of fun

if you are wearing anything from KOHL'S tell me in my guestbook and if there's enough people i'll post them here and see which is the most popular outfit. the winner might get a prize if i have enough money.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Free Stuff Spoiler

Hey everyone,
I was bored so I went spoiler hunting!!
I found there will be a new Disney club for Sonny with a Chance.
This will probably be free:

I love it!! Do you say yes in the comments if you like it and say no if you dont!!
Also tell me your other thoughts on it !!
PS lets get to 100 followers!!!we only need 44 more followers so invite !!!I will be giving the 100th follower a prize!!

Cheapest hotbuys ever

i cant believe it i have been waiting for these shoes forever and they are free will you get them?

Kohl's is back

Today i came and guess what? KOHL'S is back. I was upset when it left and i am happy it is back with nice clothes. Do you like any of these clothes? Will you buy any?

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Raffle Winner!!

The 50 random raffle winner is ....
you have to contact me on stardoll for your prize and the 50h follower im sending you the code now!Thank you guys for following my blog and please ask your friends to follow too!!There is a new comp coming sooon so check here everyday!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

August hotbuys

Skirt-> it is pretty but is similar to older hb skirts.

Jacket-> i really love the colour and it could look good with a lot of clothes.

Shorts-> i absolutely love these they are cute and i love the colour

Shoes-> i am not so sure about these but they are pretty
Top-> i like this top but i would prefer it over another top

Socks-> what can i say

Earrings-> have i seen these before?

Sweater-> it would look better with something else
Purse-> it is cute but a little childish
Sunglasses-> pretty, but summer is nearly over

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Harry Potter

There are new clothes out celebrating the release of the new Harry Potter movie. Most of the clothes are for guys so i don't think i will buy anything. Will you buy anything?

Monday, July 20, 2009


Hello everyone I would like to talk about a user on stardoll called : Disturbed.Soul

She is extremly talented!!

Look a this outfit she made:

If someone gave me those items I could never create a masterpiece like this!Lol Nice work Disturbed.Soul
!!!Everyone go check her suite on stardoll!

50 followers News!!

Hey everyone,

I forgot to mention that you have to sign up under the topic HERE by Wednesday, July 22, 2009!!Thanks!!
I would like to remind people that you can advertise on my blog so click HERE if you want to.It is free!!


Sunday, July 19, 2009

50 followers Raffle Winner!!

Hello everyone!!

So we FINALLY reached over 50 followers, BUT remember our dream is to reach 100 followers as Aquafabulosa said. Congrats sd_is_da_best who was our 50th follower and for the random draw I need everyone who wants to be included in the raffle for the other giftcode to post a comment here with your stardoll username!! Thank you everyone who is following our blog and the writers who help me out!Lol and sd_is_da_best you have to contact me at stardoll for your prize, so that means add me if you havent or email me!Thanx again and lets try getting 100 followers and more by the end of August!!So invite, invite and invite!



Yay we finally have over 50 followers our dream of reaching 100 followers is growing closer and closer. I would especially like to congratulate sd_is_da_best who was our 50th follower. Thank you to everyone who has started to follow this blog and we cant wait to read all of your comments.


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Free Vanessa & Aly!

-Go to
-Type in the search bar
-Log into your doll-Watch the movie (It's not necessary)
-Log out
-Then go on the real and you'll have the items in your suite
Take care,
Abbie x

Friday, July 17, 2009


Look at the new guitars in the starplaza. They are pretty, but very expensive. Are you going to buy any? What do you think of the prices?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

New Hairstyles

I love these new hairstyles and am looking forward to changing mine to one.

Are you using any of these hairstyles?

New Elle

The new elle store is open

Do you like these clothes? Will they be filling your wardrobe?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Old Hotbuys

I Absoloutly LOVE ALL of These Hotbuys!
I'm Looking For Any Of These!
But Can What I Want In Paticular Is . . .
1 . The Headband
2. The Cardigan
3. The Bag
Please let me know!
Thanks, Abbie

Do You Think This Woman is Pretty?

I Certainly Do!

She Looks A Mix Of Asian, Italian, English or Chinese

Monday, July 13, 2009

Happy Bastille Day

These clothes are in rememberence of the falling of the Bastille in France.

Have you bought anything yet? Do you like any of the clothes?

New Pic!

Just wanna say awesome new pic at the top of Stardoll Chronicles!
& The new French clothing is very nice on the models but look horrible on medolls!
Peace & Love

Friday, July 10, 2009

Want a free doggie??

Free Doggie!Guess you allready know this one, but for a cute (free!!) doggie;
1. go to
2. type
3. press enter
4. Log in
5. Choose a doggie

Thursday, July 9, 2009

more stuff

These are the last 2 banners i'll post here but if you want one just ask and i'll post them on my blog:


look what i made


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Almost Famous

do you like my new banner?

Are you Almost Famous?

I love some of these clothes and they make me feel almost famous. do you like any of these clothes? have you bought anything?

Sunday, July 5, 2009

50 Followers Raffle!Great prize!!

Hey, we are having a ....

50 Followers Raffle!
When our blog reaches 50 Followers I'll give to one person
a SS CODE and one other person a SS CODE!!So thats 2 codes being given!!
THe 50 Follower will get a code and one random follower will get a code!!


-Create a blogger account if you haven't one already.
-Become a follower in our blog but NOT privately.
-Be sure you have an updated blogger profile with a photo and some things about you (This is why because we want ACTIVE followers not just some people who don't do anything)
-After that sign in that post by commenting. Your comment must includes your Stardoll username!

My main goal is 100 followers so first lets reach 50 then 100!!


Friday, July 3, 2009

Closing down sales

There are 2 shops having a closing down sale. Does this mean they will be going forever or will they come back with new clothes?

Have you bought anything from these sales? Do you want them to close down?

Thursday, July 2, 2009

4th July

There are now clothes out to celebrate independence day in the USA.

Do you like the clothes?will you buy anything?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Free Swimsuit & Hat!!

Hey Some Free Stuff Ere, Enjoy!
These are so cool! You don't even need to use proxy server Follow this steps to get them
-Go to: My Account - Account settings -
User IDCopy the number of your ID

-Go to h t t p : / / w w w . s i m p l e . c o . u k / s t a r d o l l / ? u =(delete the spaces)And after u=
paste the number of your ID-Press enter

-On the bottom you have to write some Info about you (you can put fake email - it will still work)

-Press Submit , Thats it!
Go to your suite and enjoy the free stuff


New clothes out

Do you like these clothes? Will you buy any of them?
